Save time, money and get peace of mind with your personalized Dwelling, Landlord, Airbnb, VRBO, Short Term Rental Insurance quote from TCS Insurance Brokers.
As Insurance Brokers we can offer many Top Quality Regional, National & International insurance options. With basic Dwelling Property 1 for Vacant Property, Dwelling 3 for Landlord Rental & Airbnb Vrbo Property, to Homeowners 3 special and Homeowners 5 comprehensive for live-in homes. We take all the insurance jargon and translate it into simple to understand terms. So that you can make an informed decision on how to protect your properties.
What’s the advantage of using an insurance broker?
We work for you and it’s our job to fully understand the insurance contracts (aka Policies) that are available in the market. With our extensive knowledge and research you will only be presented with solutions that work for you.
We compare and contrast insurance companies to make sure you get the best coverage when you need it. We ask the important questions up front to make sure nothing is unanswered. And because we represent multiple carriers, we have a vast knowledge of the internal inner workings of each company. We understand their claims practices which is key knowledge that we often use when an accident occurs and our clients require our assistance.
What are coverages in home insurance?
Home insurance covers sudden and accidental damage for just about everything except what is excluded. Flood & Earthquake damage are covered on their own policy or on a limited basis on a modified home policy.
When looking at a home insurance declarations page you might see the following:
Dwelling is the coverage for the main structure and anything that is permanently attached.
Other Structures covers any detached structure such as a shed, fence or detached garage.
Personal Property is coverage for any items that can be removed from the property. Such as clothing, appliances and electronics. High value items & jewelry are also included here but at a limited basis unless endorsed onto the policy.
Loss of Use / Loss of Rents pays for temporary housing while your live-in home is being repaired after a covered loss. For a landlord it replaces the loss rent while covered repairs are being completed and the tenants cannot reside in the house.
Personal Liability protects you from lawsuits of injury or damage caused to a third party or to their property. Such as when a guest slips and falls while in or around the premises. Or when you, your spouse or under age children physically hurt another or damage another’s property. – Personal Injury protects you from libel and slander suits. For landlords it protects from tenant vs. landlord issues.
Medical Payments reimburses you for emergency expenses you incur when a guest gets injured while in or around your property.
A Deductible is the amount that will be reduced off the payout the insurer will give you for a covered loss. It is not something you pay to the insurer when a claim happens.
Extended Replacement coverage is something that has to be added to your policy to extend the coverage provided. However, this type of coverage only applies when a specific set of circumstance occur. For example, when there are multiple fires in the same area and building costs go up because of this catastrophic loss.
Ordinance & Law coverage is something that has to be added to your policy to cover building code required repairs or upgrades after a covered loss. Such as when the City requires for a fire suppression system to be installed in the kitchen after a fire in order to approve the permits. – Remember, that your HO insurance pays for what is already there and not what is required to put your home up to code. These expenses are 100% your unless you purchase this additional coverage.
Water Back Up is an additional coverage that you can purchase to pay for damage caused by water backing into you home.
Seepage & Hidden Water Leak is a newer coverage that can be purchased to provide a limited amount of protection for hidden water leak damage. – Remember that insurance will only pay for losses caused by something that happened Suddenly and by Accident. Leaks & Seepages are usually excluded on a home policy.
Mechanical Breakdown is like having a home warranty built in to your policy. It is also an optional coverage and it pays for repairs to your home’s mechanical systems. Such as your Boiler, HVAC and some major appliances.
TCS Insurance Brokers is all about offering the best choices to our clients.
As your insurance expert we can help you manage your property insurance portfolio so that you can focus and enjoy life!
Our help is just a click away. Contact us and get expert help with your home insurance, rental property insurance or renters insurance.